Press Download to get the latest Envision One RP software version.
Notice: You can check the latest version of Envision One RP by pressing File > Check for updates inside the Envision One RP application.
Envision One RP 1.36.5740
Date of Release: Sep-22-2023
- Saving a project file with the support baseplate
- Support of the new Pro XL printer
- Support of the new serial number for the Einstein printer
Envision One RP 1.35.5715
Date of Release: Aug-30-2023
- Some jobs freeze during generation
- No baseplate applied to models after editing supports via Autopilot Crowns and Bridges
- Updated Autopilot Night Guards settings for the SmileGuard material
- Updated Autopilot Full Denture Bases settings for the Flexcera Base material
- Updated Autopilot Monolithic Full Dentures settings for the Flexcera Smile Ultra+ material
- Updated support settings for horizontal impression trays for the E-Tray material
- Disabled auto-discovery of legacy printers
- Improved the ‘About license’ pop-up screen
- Improved software update process
- Improved STL file reading process
- Ability to select multiple contact points in the Edit Supports menu by pressing and holding the Ctrl key
- Ability to select the rectangle area for multiple support points by pressing and holding the Shift key
- Critical Angle parameter highlighting during supports editing
- Flexcera Base Ultra+ material to Autopilot Full Denture Bases
- Support settings for full and partial denture bases for the Flexcera Base Ultra+ material
Envision One RP 1.34.5620
Date of Release: June-23-2023
- Inconsistent spacing between support contact points
- Updated UI/UX for the Light mode
- Improved work with enabled shrinkage factor
- Dark mode selection in UI
- Support of the new serial number for Xtreme 8K
- Support settings for bite splints vertical printing with the SmileGuard
- Updated support profiles for the WIC100 material
Envision One RP 1.33.5546
Date of Release: May-3-2023
- App hanging during job generation
- Printers missing from the My Printers list
- Technical integration
- Updated Autopilot Night Guards settings
Envision One RP 1.33.5479
Date of Release: Mar-23-2023
- Model scaling applying the Model base
- Clearance from the part issue
- Job sending to Perfactory printers
- Print job report
- Improved workflow for editing contact points manually
- Decreased memory consumption for Autopilot features
- Autopilot editing option for all Dentures
Envision One RP 1.32.5425
Date of Release: Feb-27-2023
- Issue with sending jobs to D4K Pro printer
- Edit Supports widget closure after the main widow collapsing
- Models disappearing after canceling the Autopilot editing mode
- Error messages display
- Software rollback issue
- UI/UX improvements
- Support points editing within hollowed models
- Added the Max angle into the Edit Supports widget
- Material shades selection for dental materials
Envision One RP 1.31.5348
Date of Release: Jan-26-2023
- Models selection issue
- Model scaling after Select base feature applied
- Reversed GIZMO rotation
- Deactivated Height from the platform
- Job generation freeze at 78%
- Improved Autopilot editing workflow
- Autopilot editing option for Crowns & Bridges
- Supports distinguishment in .3mf files
- Index automatically appended to job name when saving to the same folder
- Job format validation before sending to D4KPro printers
Envision One RP 1.30.5293
Date of Release: Dec-22-2022
- Issue when supports could not be generated
- Thick grid lines on the platform
- UI/UX improvements
- Autopilot editing option for Night Guards
- Autopilot modes mapping to their printers
- License Details tab in the About window
- Warning about deactivated mesh preparation on model load
Envision One RP 1.29.5193
Date of Release: Nov-10-2022
- Missing supports for copied models
- Autopilot Crowns and Bridges mode
- Showing applicable materials for every Autopilot mode
Envision One RP 1.28.5179
Date of Release: Oct-27-2022
- Autopilot Confirmation step
- New parameters for Closed Loop Printing
Envision One RP 1.27.5149
Date of Release: Oct-13-2022
- Jewelry supports issue
- Jewelry supports issue Minor UI/UX improvements
- Exposure Time format in the job file
- Instant Software Settings Update
Envision One RP 1.26.5100
Date of Release: Sep-16-2022
- Support Extra Exposure feature for Xtreme 8K
- Artificial teeth orientation in Autopilot
- License request form showing validation errors
- Preferences window design
- New parameters for Closed Loop Printing
Envision One RP 1.25.2055
- Lost pixels on the build envelope border for Xtreme 8K
- Autopilot Crowns and Bridges orientation fix
- Improved settings for Generic support structures
- Improved settings for Autopilot support structures
- Trial license period
- Improved estimated print time for Xtreme 8K
Envision One RP 1.25.5021
- Projectors' rotation for Xtreme 8K
- Improved settings for dental support structures
- Improved settings for jewelry support structures
Envision One RP 1.25.4969
- Problem with waste memory for Xtreme 8K
- Issue with overlapping supports
- Issue with incorrect InnerStructure calculation
- Renamed Xtreme 8K DLP to Xtreme 8K
- Improved the .rpproj file opening
- Improved settings for supports structures
- Buildstyle file 2.0 logic for Xtreme 8K printer
- New blade workflow for Xtreme 8K printer
- Rotating a group of models around a single center
- Group selection after model duplication with GIZMO
Envision One RP 1.24.4875
- Issue with buildstyles
Envision One RP 1.24.4858
- Issue with Inner offset
- Models beyond the platform boundaries
- Printer calibration coefficients setup
- Improved settings for support structures
- The Welcome window closure with Esc key
- The Global baseplate tuning
- Disabling model-to-model supports
- Graphical visualization of the main Supports settings
- Deactivation of Angle assistant during supports editing
Envision One RP 1.23.4820
- Inner Structure Widening Contour issue
- Baseplate generation issue
- Job format issue
Envision One RP 1.23.4811
- Incorrect supports for A-type jaws
- Unexpected termination of RP session
- Channeling application
- Improved settings for support structures
- Minimum distance between support contact points
- Changed check-boxes logic in the Base tool widget
- System requirements in the About Envision One RP window
- Configurable Save Job path in Preferences
Envision One RP 1.22.4744
- Buildstyle selection issue
- Flipped model for A-type feature
- Increased tolerance for Printer calibration issue
- Improved settings for support structures
Envision One RP 1.22.4661
- New Supports widget
- New Base tools widget
Envision One RP 1.21.4608
- Issue with .slc files loading
- Issue with incorrect supports building
- Improved settings for Autopilot applications
Envision One RP 1.21.4587
- Memory issue during preview generation
- Job info widget issue
- Renamed Hyper Print tool to Autopilot tool
- Improved design for Print Setup widget
- Updated links to EnvisionTEC Knowledge Base
- Supports exclusion on labels and QR-codes
- Workflow with the new Einstein printer
- Labels auto placement feature
- Autopilot Dentures application
- Autopilot Night Guards application
- Notification about failure to generate supports
- Feedback form after rollback to the previous version
Envision One RP 1.20.4470
- Improved Job Slicer
- Updated warning messages
- Replaced printer icons
- Revisioned Button types
- Models auto-repairing activation in the Preferences
- Models auto-placement activation in the Preferences
Envision One RP 1.19.4293
- Issue with AMD Radeon graphics cards
- IP address format of the saved printers
- Bottom layers detection
- Design of the messages
- Improved License Request form
- Shortcut Shift+Arrows that replicates the middle mouse wheel click
Envision One RP 1.18.4194
- Adding Heating parameters to the job file
Envision One RP 1.18.4174
- Model deletion option inside GIZMO icon
- Minor change of the Hyper Print widget
- Adding file extension to job file automatically
- Notifications about the Support Center update
Envision One RP 1.17.4135
- New icons for printers’ visualization
Envision One RP 1.16.4122
- Outer offset feature
- Main window resizing issues
- Model is not displayed when the bottom view is enabled
- Selected printer is not highlighted in the printers list
- Command-line interface issues
- The minimum limit for tip thickness
- Replaced GIZMO icons
- Replaced Grid icons
- Improved projection type visualization
- Platform rotation using keyboard
Envision One RP 1.15.4050
- App crash after special denture loading
Envision One RP 1.15.4032
- The first flat bottom layer detection
- Translation ‘Generate for All’ into French
- The camera freeze after loading several models using Ctrl+O
- Improved orientation and placement algorithm for Flexcera Smile to increase corner cases coverage
- Smart Sweep feature axes for Xtreme 8K DLP printer
Envision One RP 1.14.4028
- Flexcera Smile upgrade
Envision One RP 1.14.4005
- Flexcera Smile upgrade
Envision One RP 1.14.3988
- Job generation canceling
- Ability to move support points while holding down the ‘Ctrl’ key
Envision One RP 1.14.3967
- Fixes for Hyper Print modes
- Drag and drop support points
- Minimize the Job Info widget
- New 3D platform view
Envision One RP 1.13.3883
- The Fix All Issues button causes changes in the placed models
- Support points are not modifiable after model copying
- Memory leaks upon the import of models
- Improved convergence for Xtreme 8K DLP printer
- Improved flow of supports editing
- The Fix All button automatically takes models out of the platform
- The Slice Preview mode is switched off automatically after loading a new model
- Full model name is shown when hovering on it
Envision One RP 1.12.3759
- Crash when trying to generate supports
- Crash when starting the app if the outdated buildstyle is detected
- Support of P4K Advantage printer
- Deletion of imported files via Command-line interface
Envision One RP 1.11.3733
- Heating parameters for Xtreme 8K DLP printer
Envision One RP 1.11.3699
- Job generation failure due to out-of-bounds model after Shrinkage Compensation
- Job file reading for the Perfactory printer
- Support points are missed after rotation by Z-axis
- License request form is extended with the support for the Xtreme 8K DLP printer
Envision One RP 1.10.3613
- Opening of the project file that consists of SLC models
- A-type support fills out the label letters
- Labeling cancellation process
- Corrected estimated print time for Xtreme 8K DLP printer
- Localization of the Expiration Date in the License request
- Hierarchy of app folders
- Limits for Xtreme 8K DLP printer
- Limit for label engraving
- Improved manual editing of supports contact points
- Secure communication with D4K Pro printer
Envision One RP 1.9.3490
- Contact points can’t be removed after supports’ generation
- Incorrect time estimation with enabled support extra exposure
- Job file upload cannot be canceled for high models
- Improved Command Line response messages
- Unified duplicating logic via Ctrl+V, Position widget, and the right-click menu
- Disabled ‘Restore to defaults’ option if there is nothing to restore
- Support of Xtreme 8K DLP printer
Envision One RP 1.8.3427
- Printers discovery by a secure connection
- Logging of Computer ID generation failures
Envision One RP 1.8.3332
Technical issues
Envision One RP 1.8.3324
Issue with the cutting of some models
Issue with the app log file size
Issue with DLL files
Improved Hyper Print Dental placement
Improved supports generation time
Extended the Command-Line features list
Automatic crash dump collection when app crashes
Envision One RP 1.7.3233
The approach for vertical orientation of dental models is updated
Envision One RP 1.7.3194
In some rare cases, A-type supports cover the text on the dental model bottom
Envision One RP 1.7.3163
App crashes if opening a project or a model by double-clicking
Printer added by IP isn’t selected automatically
Model outside the platform isn’t displayed in Printability issues
License request can be sent with an empty machine SN
Improved auto-placement of tiny jewelry models
Connection of Info icons to the Support Center
Support of a new CDLM technology
Envision One RP 1.6.3114
License request cannot be sent for Other machine types
Improved performance of the Hyper Print A-type Jaw
Including the Supports Extra Exposure time to the Print time estimation
Improved layers splitting in job file with enabled Supports Extra Exposure
Printer Serial Number validation for D4KPro
Job sending to the printer via FTP
Notification in case of project saving failure
Notification in the main window about an available update
Feature highlights after update
Envision One RP 1.5.3045
Job generation failure due to model out of build envelope bounds
App crash on very tall models loading
Envision One RP 1.5.3000
Spherical supports attachment area
Envision One RP 1.5.2998
Missing Layers during job generation
A-type supports extrusion height
- Spherical supports attachment area
- Disable auto-scan of Perfactory machines by config
Envision One RP 1.5.2935
- Job generation with Soft Offset
Automatic change of the diameter of support pins
A-type supports shape
Forbidden printing of the job generated with default buildstyle
Explicit message for layer thickness mismatch of the sliced data
Printer SN validation in the License request form
- Limited license excluding Envision One RP updates
- License expiration date synchronization with Envision One CS
- License expiration date synchronization with Envision One CS
- Channels visibility from the bottom view on the model
Envision One RP 1.4.2858
- “Print” button does not work if pressing not the center of the button
- Not selected model becomes visible when generating supports via edit supports
Workflow with supports in case of Printer or Material change
Chamfer & Burn-in offset for dental parts
- Support of Vida cDLM and Perfactory printers in Envision One RP
Envision One RP 1.3.2832
- Zero supports height cannot delete existing supports
- The wrong job folder name is generated when generating job from the command-line
- Ramping feature
Place the platform’s bounding box in the center of the viewpoint when switching camera views
- Three dots in the middle of the long file names
- Removed list of issues when hovering on the Printability sign
Communication with a printer using printer serial number
Envision One RP 1.2.2765
Rotation of models with supports via ‘Orientation’ widget
Empty model names in the Job Report
Crash during Print dialog opening with intersected models
Increased preciseness after the comma in Size widget
Channeling checkbox availability for sliced data
Order for checking layer thickness for sliced data
File extension visibility in ‘Create New Project’ window
Supports structures upload with sliced data
Solid view mode for sliced data
Machine Serial Number visibility during Shrinkage factor calibration
Limits for entering values in Shrinkage factor calibration
Rotation angle on GIZMO
Settings block to simplify Labeling for several models
Redirect to ‘Supports and Base’ widget in Printability issues
Envision One RP 1.2.2701
Date of Release: Aug-27-2020
Ini file duplicate is created and support settings aren’t derived
Envision One RP 1.2.2676
Contact points can be hanging out of the model
Model is placed on the largest flat surface instead of tilting
Improved memory consumption during work with sliced data
Improved the platform view to make it closer and changed the view angle
Reworked Input applying in Widgets
Work with a new D4K Pro printer
Supports config file selection directly in ‘Supports and Base’ widget
Channeling Parameters Activation on GUI
Upload buildstyles in bulk via GUI
Envision One RP 1.2.2636
Disability to use RP due to shade effect after license activation
Issue with Feedback sending
Incorrect Channels Depth in the job file
Improved Print Time calculation
Aligned the camera view to the platform
Improved installation flow
Changed color for the first layer
Updated Supports and Labeling widgets
File name improvement for Job Report
Increased zooming step for shortcuts and zooming buttons
Deleted ‘Low model detected’ printability issue
Work with sliced data
Visibility of collision before job-generating if there is enabled shrinkage factor
Preview model from top and down
Support custom data in command line interface
Zoom in/out the platform by pressing CTRL & ‘-/+’
Envision One RP 1.2.2556
‘Magic Print’ is renamed to ‘Hyper Print’
Envision One RP 1.2.2494
L-shape job cannot be generated for some buildstyles
The model is corrupted after supports generation
Block supports cannot be generated
Edit supports when the preferences are changed from mm to inches
Square models rotation 90 degrees and losing A-type orientation
Other minor issues
Improved performance for A-type orientation
Improved rendering using new graphics
Reworked printers window
Closed export option from Envision One RP
Go to support webpage when F1 is clicked
Highlighting supports area on the platform
Allowed Unicode symbols in installation path
Show progress bar until A-type orientation is completed
Place labels on parts
New versioning system for software installing
Support for Vida M-type machine in Envision One RP
Envision One RP 1.1.2229
The models are growing within the support structures
Performance issue with job generation
Envision One RP 1.1.2215
Invalid Auto Homing Parameter in Buildstyle
Empty layer during job generation
Block supports configuration
Envision One RP 1.1.2020
Supports grow through the part instead of creating lower tips on the bottom surface
Channeling feature is not working with material shrinkage coefficient
Just a click on cut button causes application crash
Exception during job generation for some models (exception on empty layer)
Watertight error during job generation only on the vertical models
Settings combo box cannot be closed when clicking outside it
Cube model is lifted by Z-axis after supports generation
Baseplate isn’t generated when changing Tip or Beam Thickness parameters
Magic Print is extended with a new option A-type Jaws
Model’s scaling in decimals instead of percentages
Improved mesh healing process to avoid model`s distortion
Updated message about nonexistent folder where a previous job was generated
Envision One RP 1.1.1999
Make visible more than ten items in the Buildstyles drop-down list
Layers selection to turn on/off continuous mode
Smoother transition between Burn in Range and Standard Range
Envision One RP 1.1.1967
Material drop-down list cannot be open
Supports grow through the part instead of creating lower tips on the bottom surface
Other internal bugs
Check and change bs-file immediately without opening the “Advanced” window
Message for “_vs” file loading
Immediately saving tip thickness parameter that was changed in the Edit Supports widget
Min/Max limits in Advanced Support Settings
Tool-tip with full file name after hovering cursor on the OpenLast
“Advanced Settings” button always made enabled
Feedback form
Italian localization
French localization
Mandarin localization
Envision One RP 1.1.1831
The supports are not exported as “vs.stl”
Envision One RP 1.1.1793
Jumping progress bar when importing and healing a model
Settings in Advanced Support Settings are not saved in *.ini file
The app crashes when opening the 3mf file
Supports of the non-selected model become transparent when cutting a particular model
Max values in the Support widget do not save after restarting the app
The app crashes when trying to close the License window when no license is active
The model is beyond the platform boundaries
After using Edit Supports, the support diameter is changed automatically
Added additional email validation symbols in the request license window
Default Min Size of Aggregated Fences returned to normal value
Description in the Request license window
Envision One RP 1.1.1705
2D supports loading
The corrected formula for Shrinkage Compensation
Improved Shrinkage Compensation logic
Envision One RP 1.1.1666
Compensation by Z-axis
Envision One launched RP by clicking on the project file or dragging&drop it
Option for switching off Mesh healing if the model has issues and cannot be loaded
Bs-files renaming after Shrinkage Compensation calibration
Not selected models become transparent after opening the Edit Supports widget
Coordinate system axes are displayed over the model
The license expiry date is not displayed correctly after a new license loading
Magic print for dental models progress bar is not displayed during the process
Ability to click “Apply” in the Magic Print widget several times
Improved units converter from mm to inches and back
Single file job sending to the printer (without folder)
Configured valid SlowMotionParameter in Default buildstyle
Envision One RP launched by opening a 3D object without buildstyle (drag&drop and command line)
Color of models numbering in Job Report
Shrinkage Compensation calculation and model positioning
Envision One RP 1.1.1558
Printer calibration (Shrinkage compensation)
Users get a Software Update Error message every time they open the software
The app crashes when auto placing a few models and one of them is cut until its limits
Auto placement during model loading stuck on 70%
Artifacts are built-in dental parts QR code
The model becomes transparent after job generation
Description in the Activate license window
Corrected Mesh healing Abort according to common usage
Machine type name on RP and CS for correct communication
The more readable label on a base-plate
Envision One RP 1.1.1505
Magic Print solution for dental parts to prepare a platform for printing.
Automatic dental parts orientation by the largest flat surface.
Info about compatible CS version with RP.
Supports generation on the “safe” zone to avoid model clinging to the platform.
Price estimation per print.
The job file is saved in a previously used folder instead of the chosen folder.
Supports are placed through the model structure when auto-placement during model loading is disabled.
“Print” window appears after canceling the “Dental models” process.
Improved jaws auto-placement.
Changed cutting logic.
Current license expiry day display.
Envision One RP 1.1.1355
German localization
Implemented license activation flow
Simple rollback option to a previous version
Dialog windows are not centered after minimizing RP window
Artifacts are built-in Job file after creating a support structure
Interaction with the widget panel is enabled during processing supports
Layers Preview does not work when Size, Orientation, and Position widgets are on
Select Base cursor is invisible, while drag and move (Nvidia)
Application shuts down, after hovering Select Base cursor to model in the red zone (Nvidia)
Model is lifted up along Z-axis after supports generation via the “Edit Supports” window
Supports generated under the platform
Improved connection to the printer
Improved mesh healing function
Envision One RP 1.0.1165
Option to upload the job to the machine via command line.
Access to certain buildstyle sections via command line.
Get job file via command line due to not working 2D auto-placement.
Command-line launch does not create a new folder for a job and deletes the root folder in case of failure.
Command-line launch does not save to a non-existent directory.
Generated supports are not in touch with the model.
Application shuts down in 2 min if no supports have been generated.
The app crashes after an attempt to close it during importing the models.
Created Job file must be deleted after an unsuccessful generating, uploading, or canceling.
Allowed to run more than one process for Envision One RP.
Added ability to copy any text from the “About” window.