What Is Printing Material?
Each type of material ETEC offers has specific instructions for use. Be sure to properly prepare your specific material before each use. Always observe the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets supplied with the material bottle. |
Important: Do not use other materials than the ones delivered by ETEC.
Important: Use the appropriate personal protective equipment.
Important: Make sure that the extraction is sufficient. ETEC recommends an air change of 25 m³/h per m² effective surface of the laboratory as described in EN 13779.
Add Material to Material Tray
1. Open the printer door.
2. A material tag is attached to the material bottle. Remove the material tag and place the material tag on the material tag reader.
3. Shake the material bottle well.
4. Open the material bottle and pour the material slowly into the material tray.
4. Mix the material thoroughly with the spatula.
5. Close the printer door to protect the material from ambient light.