Time needed: Approximately five minutes to mix material, depending on the material + 15 minutes to empty and clean the material tray.
Maintenance frequency: After each print
1. Protect material in the material tray from ambient light by keeping the hood closed.
2. Mix the material in the material tray before each print using the rubber spatula from the Starter Kit:
- Lightly skim the spatula back and forth across the surface of the material in the tray.
- Mix carefully to avoid puncturing or tearing the film at the bottom of the domeless material tray.
- Mix the material until it has a completely uniform color.
3. Check the material for solids or debris. If found, filter the material:
- Remove the material tray from the printer.
- Set the funnel and cone-shaped paint filter on top of a separate opaque storage bottle.
- Pour the material out by tipping a front corner of the tray, away from the vent holes.
- Use the rubber spatula to assist in guiding the material into the filter.
- When finished, dispose of the filter and clean the funnel with a dry paper towel.
Notice: For detailed information on material handling, see corresponding Safety Data Sheet.