The Hollowing feature is used to hollow out the core of an STL model, which allows for a reduction of printing material and time needed.
Important: To avoid material getting trapped inside the model, it is necessary to add drainage holes to a hollow model before printing.
1. Load and select the required STL model.
2. Press the icon on the left Toolbar.
→ The Hollowing menu opens.
3. Indicate the desired Wall thickness value, using either manual input or the mouse scroller.
4. Press Apply to put the changes into effect.
→ The process of model hollowing starts, and the hollowing cylinders are added to the model.
→ The menu on the top right corner appears with the following parameters:
Hole diameter: the diameter of the drainage hole. The maximum value is 5 mm, and the minimum value is 1 mm.
Drilling depth: the length of the drainage cylinder. The maximum value is 10 mm, and the minimum value is 4 mm.
Hole spacing: the distance between the drainage holes. The higher the distance, the fewer drainage holes are added to the model. The maximum value is 20 mm, and the minimum value is 10 mm.
Center Offset: the drainage cylinder center offset along the Z-axis. The maximum value is 10 mm, and the minimum value is 0 mm.
5. To adjust the values for all parameters above, type in the required dimensions to the corresponding box or use the scroll wheel on your mouse.
Tip: You can move the cylinder point along the X and Y axes by dragging it while holding down the Ctrl key.
Tip: To remove any of the newly added drainage cylinders, click on the drainage cylinders that you want to delete. To regenerate the drainage cylinders, change the value in the Hole Spacing box.
6. Press Apply to preview the results. You can return to the drainage cylinders assignment if you are unsatisfied with the results.
7. Press Confirm to apply changes.
→ The model is hollowed.